Message Editor

The Message Editor is handy and easy-to-use. When writing/editing a message, you can use various fonts, colors, alignments, font size and more.

In the current version (3.0) smiles and priority statuses are not yet available.

On the right, there is a contact list similar to the Contact List from the main window, but in this list you can choose a contact to which you want to send a message.

Main toolbar items:

 Sent message  Attach file(s)
 Insert smile (temporarily unavailable)  Help
 Assign a priority (temporarily unavailable)  Save to "Drafts"
 About LanTalk.NET  Show/hide Contact List

Below the main toolbar there is also a formatting toolbar. Use this toolbar to edit the selected text. If the text is not selected, you can not edit it.

 Make the selected text bold  Italicize the selected text
 Underline the selected text  Strikethrough the selected text
 Choose font  Choose font size
 Cut the selected text  Copy the selected text
 Paste the selected text  Highlight the selected text
 Add bullets to the selected text  Left Align the selected text
 Center Align the selected text  Right Align the selected text
 Justify the selected text

Message editor context menu items:

Copy Copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Cut Cut the selected text to the clipboard.
Paste Insert text from the clipboard.
Select All Select all the text.
Undo Undo the most recent action (if possible).
Attach file(s) Attach the selected file(s).
Clear Delete the selected text.

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